Bernd F. GSM Network
6. 1 Bernd F. GSM Network Management.
6.2 С. Smythe Networks and their protocols, Electronics & Communication Engineering Journal, February 1990, pp. 27-34.
6.3 CCITT Recomendation M.2x (Amended third draft; to become M.30 in Blue Book). Principles for a Telecommunications Management Network, March 1988.
6.4 CCITT (Draft Blue Book) Recomendation Q.795, Operations Administration and Maintenance Application Part (ОМАР).
6.5 CEPT Draft Recomendation GSM 09.02, CCITT Signalling System N7, Mobile Application Part (MAP); also referenced as CEPT T/S 43-10.
6.6 CCITT (Draft Blue Book) Recomendation Q.513 "Interfaces for Operations, Administration and Maintenance".
6.7 CEPT Recomendation I/L 02-11, Interfaces for Operation, Maintenance and Supervision of Telecommunications Equipment in Telecommunications Centres, Copenhagen 1987.
6.8 ISO/IEC D7 9595/9596 series, OSI-Management Information Service Definition/Protocol Specification, Dec. 1987.
6.9 ISO/IEC DIS 8571 Series, OSI-File Transfer, Access and Management, April 1988
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